RG 146 Tier 1 CPD

About our RG146 Tier 1 CPD

Our RG146 Tier 1 CPD library offers financial participants and organisations a complete online solution to satisfy ASIC’s RG146 general advice ongoing education requirements.

What’s more, our subjects are carefully designed and regularly updated:

  • Real world relevance
  • In-depth regulatory content
  • Study where and when you choose
  • Complete only the topics you require
  • Attempt assessments as you go.

Continuing training is essential to ensure advisers maintain their competence. This is particularly so because of rapidly changing markets and regulatory requirements.(RG146.123)

Our CPD includes:

  • Engaging and informative CPD topics from a dynamic library delivered across the CPD year
  • Option to select from a mix of generic knowledge, regulation, and product-specific topics
  • Online learning platform that enables you to effectively manage, record and report CPD obligations
  • Certificate of Attainment for each completed CPD topic. Available to download anytime
  • Calendar year or Financial year subscription
  • Manager access available for team subscriptions (on request)

Our CPD topics:

  • Include specific learning outcomes and formal assessments
  • Inspire learners to reflect and think critically
  • Support employee capability and engagement
  • Foster agility and resilience in evolving markets
  • Go beyond just explaining applicable rules and regulations.


Program Content

Learning Outcomes

What you will learn

Who is this course for?

  • Advisers and other staff who provide general advice to retail clients
  • Representatives who provide advice to wholesale clients
  • Professionals in ancillary and oversight roles, e.g. HR, risk and compliance, and marketing, who need to stay up to date about industry developments and regulatory requirements.

Units of Competency


Recognition of Prior Learning


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Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Contact us to customise a training plan for your organisation. If you have questions about financial services regulation and what training is needed to satisfy requirements, information can be found in
ASIC has not prescribed a minimum number of hours per year that an adviser should spend on continuing training. This is because the time required will vary according to the adviser’s activities and level of experience. Licensees should nominate an appropriate figure, based on each adviser’s activities and experience. For guidance, you can look up what minimum hours relevant professional bodies have set for their members, while in our experience the industry standard is 20 CPD points/hours per year.
ASIC requires licensees to have in place policies and procedures to ensure that they and their advisers are undertaking continuing training. The purpose of this training is to maintain and update the knowledge and skills that are appropriate for their activities. It is essential because how markets operate and regulatory requirements can change rapidly. What should training policies and procedures include? Best practice tips for licensees include: (a) nominating a person who is responsible for continuing training (b) deciding how much training each adviser needs each year (c) establishing annual training plans for each adviser (d) keeping records of advisers’ training programs. Refer to ASIC’s Regulatory Guide 146 for detailed information.
What is RG206?2023-04-21T07:53:53+10:00

Regulatory Guide 206 Credit licensing: Competence and training (RG 206)

Credit licensees must comply with the organisational competence obligation in s47(1)(f) of the National Consumer Credit protection Act 2009 (National Credit Act)Regulatory Guide 206 Credit licensing: Competence and training (RG 206) sets out the minimum expectations for demonstrating organisational competence.

What you need to do to comply will depend on the nature, scale and complexity of your business. However, Regulatory Guide 206 Credit licensing: Competence and training (RG 206) sets out our minimum expectations for demonstrating organisational competence.

You must also ensure that your representatives are adequately trained and competent to engage in the credit activities authorised by your licence: s47(1)(g).

ASIC generally expects you to determine what is appropriate initial and ongoing training for your representatives and to embed this in your recruitment and training systems.

Updated annually, our CPD is designed to enable Responsible Managers and Representatives of Australian Credit Licensees to meet their mandatory RG206 continuing training requirement. Our CPD that is structured, properly assessed and recorded.